cant select db CRUMB Seminars:Presentations:How can computer databases be used to represent contemporary subjectivity?
CRUMB Seminars:Presentations
How can computer databases be used to represent contemporary subjectivity?

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How can computer databases be used to represent contemporary subjectivity?


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While a pre-modern person was a part of a collective, a modern subject came to be defined in opposition to the outside world, with the border between the psychological interior and social exterior clearly marked. Today this border has dissolved, and our selves once again have become "distributed": stored in external corporate, medical, government, and surveillance databases, broadcast to the world via blogs and webcams, invaded by media images. How can new computer based representational techniques, and in particular databases, be used to portray this new sense of identity? Lev Manovich will discuss a few recent projects in this direction by various artists and will also talk about his ongoing project Soft Cinema.

This presentation is available as a sound recording in the BALTIC Archive:



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